
Install & upgrade

The “Install & Upgrade ISO” can be used for either a full clean installation, or an upgrade of an existing installation. An upgrade of the OS on a running system only takes a few minutes to complete.



To upgrade an existing system with the “Install & Upgrade ISO”:

  1. Download the image to your PC
  2. Login to your AKIPS server as admin
  3. Go to the Admin -> System -> Update menu
  4. Choose the image to upload
  5. Click Start Upgrade

Version 24.8   18th December 2024

  1. Admin-level profiles
    User profiles can now be assigned admin rights. Previously, the admin user had special permission to view all data and make any changes. Now any profile can be given access to any selection of administration tools.
  2. Config Searcher
    Config Searcher is a new tool that enables you to search for given content across configurations that have been saved by Config Crawler. Searches can be performed on the most recent configuration of many devices or historically on a single device.
  3. Custom Dashboards
    Custom Dashboards allow users to stitch together relevant reports into a single dashboard. Dashboards are viewable under the Dashboards menu, and configurable in Admin->Dashboards.
  4. Added/updated compiled MIBs:
    • cPacket
    • Toshiba

Minimum requirements

VM Deployment
  • Commercial grade VM (e.g. VMware)
  • Dedicated CPU cores
  • Sufficient RAM (50% free)
  • SAN with thick provisioned preallocated storage


Physical / Bare Metal
  • Off the shelf server (e.g. Cisco, Dell, HP, IBM, etc)
  • Sufficient RAM (50% free)
  • RAID 1 or 10


Network size
Minimum platform


  • 50,000 interfaces
  • Virtual Machine
  • 2+ CPU Cores
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 200 GB disk space


  • 100,000 interfaces
  • Virtual Machine
  • 4+ CPU Cores
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 500 GB disk space


  • 250,000 interfaces
  • Virtual Machine
  • 8+ CPU Cores
  • 32 GB RAM
  • 1 TB disk space


    SHA-256 checksum:
    • 659d7e8fcd2761390cbf77e6cf442ea9fd3ec811f28ef9413a091373fb8c3349   Install ISO