Videos – old
What does AKIPS do?
This video provides an overview of what AKIPS is and what AKIPS does.
It explains how AKIPS sorts and stores data on more than a million interfaces every 60 seconds using your existing equipment, yet reports on only the information you need to know. It also shows how AKIPS is quick and simple to install and upgrade, how it complements your existing network tools, and how you can monitor your own network with a free trial.
AKIPS intelligent polling
This video provides an overview of AKIPS’s intelligent polling.
It explains the many smart ways in which we have engineered AKIPS to be gentle on your network, while considerably reducing your network traffic.
AKIPS evaluation process
This video will guide you through our evaluation process, so you can experience for FREE for 30 days what AKIPS can do for you.
Installing, upgrading & backing up AKIPS
AKIPS licence
To access AKIPS’s full range of features, you will need a licence. This video steps you through how to request and activate your AKIPS licence.
Deploy on a VM vs hardware
This video details the considerations and specifications for deploying AKIPS in VM vs hardware (bare metal) environments.
Installing AKIPS
This video will step you through the process of downloading and installing AKIPS.
Upgrading AKIPS
This video steps you through how to download and install upgrades in AKIPS.
Backing up AKIPS
This video steps you through how to configure and test an AKIPS backup server.
AKIPS backup scenarios
This video explains the three types of servers that may be involved in backing up and restoring AKIPS, as well as the three different backup and restore scenarios.
Configuring a new server
This video steps you through how to configure a new server and restore your AKIPS backup, in the event that your production server fails.
AKIPS settings
System settings
This video will guide you through configuring your AKIPS system settings.
User settings
This video will step you through several settings within the User menu.
Profiles & user accounts
This video will demonstrate how to configure profile groups, create user accounts and assign users to a profile.
Resetting AKIPS passwords
This video will step you through resetting your root, admin and AKIPS shell passwords.
Miscellaneous settings
This video will step you through how to customise several miscellaneous settings in AKIPS.
AKIPS functionality
Navigating the homepage
This video provides an overview of how to navigate the AKIPS homepage.
It includes how to log in and out of AKIPS, how to locate your licence and software versions, and user settings such as how to change your password. It also explains how you can reach out to our engaging customer forum and the AKIPS support team for help.
Running basic reports
This video provides an overview of how to run basic reports in AKIPS.
It includes how to choose the reporting time range and number of devices, how to select specific device groups, and how to export the report as a pdf or csv file. It also provides some handy search, filter and sort tips.
Scheduling a report
This video will step you through scheduling reports, which can be sent automatically via email.
Forwarding NetFlow, syslog & SNMP traps
This video explains how AKIPS forwards NetFlow, syslog and SNMP traps. It outlines the common solution for an issue in the forwarding process and explains why AKIPS doesn’t support this solution.
AKIPS switch port mapper
This video describes AKIPS’s switch port mapper and all of its complexities.
It includes the obstacles that switch port mapper navigates while retrieving data from your network, how you should interpret the data, and future development plans for this feature.
Settings history
This video will demonstrate the settings history feature within AKIPS.
Customising graphs
This video explains how to further customise the presentation of your graphs by adding commands within the url bar.
Unreachable devices report
This video will explain the unreachable devices report within AKIPS.
Events dashboard
This video introduces the events dashboard within AKIPS.
Device & interface dashboards
This video will step you through navigating the device and interface dashboards within AKIPS.
Config crawler
This video will step you through the config crawler functionality within AKIPS.
Editing a device
This video will step you through editing a device’s configuration and viewing its mapping.
Sending data to AKIPS support
This video will step you through the process of collecting various data from AKIPS, then uploading it to AKIPS support.
Netflow Reporter
This video will step you through AKIPS NetFlow reporter and its customisable options.
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